Find Cars

Goo-Net-Exchange is one of the largest information-share platforms in Japan. Most of the dealers are able to sell to overseas customers but some of them sell at only domestic market. We will check each car as per your inquiry and send you quotation.



Send inquiry

Find the one you like and “Send inquiry”. Please enter your information and click confirmation button. You will receive an Auto-Reply email after you sent the inquiry, if you entered the correct email address. (Avoid to use “gmx” domain please.) We will get back to you with the total cost including FOB charges and Ocean freight.
Depending on your country, we can introduce clearing agents to you.
They can help you with paperwork, customs clearance, local delivery and registration in your country.
If you wish, please contact us after selecting "Yes" for "Clearing Agents" in the inquiry form.



Agreement & Payment

Once you agree with the price and conditions, we will issue a Proforma Invoice according to the consignee name, address and phone number you provided. At this moment, the car is still open for sell to anyone.

We only accept bank transfer T/T (Telegraphic Transfer) & Credit Card payment (VISA & MASTER CARD)

Bank Information

Bank Name
Branch Name
Hamamatsu Branch
Bank Address
311-14, Tenma-cho, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu
Shizuoka, 430-0935 Japan
Account Name
Account Number
502XXXX (to be shown on the proforma invoice)
Swift Code

*This is the only Bank account of our company in Japan for payment. Please do not send to any other bank account.*

When your payment reaches to our account, we will purchase the car from the dealer. Detail Terms Conditions please feel free to contact us.

Credit Card Payment

We also can accept Credit Card payment (VISA & MASTER CARD)

※Please check your Credit limit. It might be declined if it is exceed.



In Japan

The cars listed on Goo-Net-Exchange are all located at each dealership. It usually takes usually 2 to 4 weeks to export from Japan, depends on its destination from the nearest shipping port, the frequency of the vessel (some countries only have 1 vessel per month) and the lead time of required shipping documents. Shipping schedule shall be provided as soon as the car is purchased. Shipping documents will be sent within 1 week after shipped by courier. We will need your final confirmation on the accuracy of the documents before send those out.

In your country

Buyers are responsible for the customs clearance in their own country. (Except Australia and New Zealand where a package is available by shipping company) We would recommend to take advice from a local clearing agent prior to the payment so you will have a clear idea how much more you will need to pay for the clearance charges and customs duties. Have a nice and safe drive!


Contact with Us!!